Monday, December 7, 2009

Technorati Claim Code : M92PBRUKVAV3

A friend recently shared with me an idea from improvisational theatre. If you can imagine drawing a triangle with the peak closest to you and the base furthest away, write the words "let go" at the starting point (peak) and the words "see more" and "use everything" at the other two corners.

I think the message is : if we let go and use everything, we are able to see more.

Letting go
We hold on to beliefs and assumptions. Isn't that how we navigate our way in the world? We have expectations (good and bad) and we construct the world we perceive. What if we let go of all that? What if we did not place that filter of judgement in between ourselves and the world? What if we let go and met the incoming data just the we way it is?

Use Everything
We are surrounded by opportunities, tools, data, supplies and a whole host of other inputs. What if we used everything to help us make decisions? Instead of only those things we like? Instead of only those things we know how to use? Instead of only those things we were familiar with? Reminds me of "when we don't know what to do, we do more of what we know". What if we used things that were new to us?

See More
Removing our filters and expectations, we might actually see more. We might be open to the possibility of seeing the unexpected.

How to make this's great to wonder about how our perceptions shape our reality and how our expectations shape our decisions, AND then we still have to make something happen with this new paradigm.

The challenge in Letting Go, is knowing what we're holding on to. What assumptions are we making that are holding us back? "I like this person, I don't like that person" -- talk about a Halo Effect! That basic premise shapes everything about our interaction with a person. It could be triggered by appearance, shape, voice, situation, etc. What if we let go of all that and just met the other person in a neutral stance. By letting go of our assumptions, we actually make it possible to hear what the person has to say.

More next time about Using Everything and Seeing More.

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